Friday, February 13, 2009

State The Obvious Man returns with more Banalysis

Why did I check the grog knowing I have work to do and that the chances something DS wrote would make my sores itch were 78.9%.

Okay, let’s say Bryan doesn’t get anything done before next Thursday at 3 p.m. and exactly the same team post-deadline goes to New York to play the Knicks on Friday.

Is that a bad thing?

I’m not sure.

Hedging against inaction. That's how you fight the sports blogs for relevancy, Big Doug.

I honestly think there are only two things he should be contemplating doing (at least things that will have a legitimate impact, nothing like an absolute nothing-for-nothing deal like The Gangster for Fred Jones last year):

Of course he means Juan Dixon but that's a human error, and we don't dwell on those at FDS. Primoz's roster spot is now taken by an even worse awkwardo, Jake the Stake. (it's funny because he doesn't move well. I keed, I keed.)

1. Move Jermaine for Marion because it gives him more financial flexibility sooner. I’m not sure it makes Toronto a much better team, although it does move Bargnani back to the five and that’s not a horrible thing. And it does give them more rebounding at the three and Marion, some think, is more a four than a three so he can move into that spot some times.

But what it does, as we’ve said a kabillion times, is open up more possibilities for improvement in the summer.

The Toronto Star: Reporting on breaking stories at least a kabillion and one times. 

Hey Doug: Us no playoffs. Matter not who rich guys pout on court and collect cheques. We no able watch games on TV anyways. 

What the f#%@ are you sure about?? 

Doug Smith at the greakfast table this morning: "I usually have cereal for breakfast. Would having eggs be a bad thing? I'm not sure if eggs make a better breakfast than cereal but I can't see having eggs as being a huge mistake." 

2. If – and this is a big “if” – he can get someone for Kapono who has a year less left on his deal he probably should do it. Jason’s been good for two games, and Lord knows us grunts would miss him in the locker room, but if there’s a way to lessen the financial load and get someone more athletic, the GM should do it.

Did Smithers just give the Bryan Colangelo (hokey, fence-sitting, flip-floppity) permission to try to unload two of the most overpaid players in the NBA for better players, more athleticism and cap space? Thank you, Doug. WE'RE FREE! WE'RE FREE!!!!!!

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