Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Moon? He’s doing what every other NBA player worth is salt is doing, working on his conditioning and every part of his game, presumably ball-handling and shooting. It’s not like these guys go home and don’t touch a ball or go to a gym all summer. They work at their craft.
Is there any other reason he'd be that angry about a simple and innocent question except for the fact that Doug Smith obviously has no idea what Jamario Moon is doing this summer.
Doug Smith, circa whenever it is he experienced adolescence:
Kid: "Are you coming to Tina Goldstein's Bat Mitzvah?"
Douggie: "Ummm... Totally. There's going to be... dancing. And food, right? And I'm going to bring a gift. I was definitely invited. I know everything about Bat Mitzvahs"
Monday, July 7, 2008
Grog round up
So much stupidity, so little time. I'm not linking to each excerpt but all the letters arranged into words arranged into terrible basketball reporting can be found here.
Q: Out of curiosity, are you into fantasy basketball at all?
If so, who are your top 10 picks for next season?
Aaron P, Toronto
Q: I am a loyal reader and really enjoy your articles and your blog. While I usually agree with your views I have to ask the following questions to ensure that I am recalling your viewpoints correctly.
Only 6 months ago or so when there was the Calderon and Ford debate you used to say that Ford was #1 as he had more upside and could do things Calderon couldn’t.
Ford can still do things Calderon can’t but you seem to have changed your mind along the way – am I recalling your former viewpoint correctly? By the way, I am a big Calderon fan.
Last fall when asked about Ukic you felt that he would not be able to come over as the backup point guard without a fair amount of time as the 3rd guard. Now it seems that you are penciling him in as a 14 – 16 minute a night backup. Have you lowered the standards or just had a change of heart?
Carl M, Codroy Valley, NL
My opinions surrounding the one professional sports team I am paid to report on reflect the status quo rubberstamping of any move they make with the right to change my opinions at any time to suit the PR needs of said pro team.
Vancouver for Memphis.
Pau Gasol for, um, garbage
Oklahoma City for Seattle.
He Who Shall Not Be Name for a bunch of guys
Here’s three things to think about concerning the newly-constructed roster and “depth.”
Thursday, July 3, 2008
100th post!
...[T]he other thing that struck me was how many empty seats there were for one of the biggest games of the year in Minneapolis. It was Saturday, the Twins were riding a 10-game winning streak and the Milwaukee Brewers were in town.
A couple of weeks earlier, I noticed the same thing in San Diego. The hated Dodgers were playing the Padres, yet you could walk up just before the game and score a seat almost anywhere in Petco Park
So you went to two games and saw a lot of empty seats when you probably were expecting to see a few hundred more fans. Sounds like...
It's purely anecdotal, of course.
Well I'm glad you can admit to that. When you have two pieces of anedoctal evidence, it is very difficult to draw a broad conclusion. I hope you aren't about to do that.
But look around almost any stadium outside of Boston or New York and you'll see large chunks of prime seats going unused – whether the game is sold out or not.
Are you really claiming that by going to two games and looking at the seats on TV for a few more, you are able to know that baseball attendance is down (even though you acknowledge in this very article that MLB is expecting to set a record for number of seats sold)? So your theory is that people are buying tickets but then just not showing up for the games? And why is that?
...[M]aybe baseball isn't delivering on what brought fans back to the ballpark in the first place in the late '90s and touched off today's attendance boom: the big home run.
Glad to see your argument still makes no sense. To recap: People buy tickets and notice there are fewer home runs being hit. Decide to stay home in record numbers. Ya, of course. That makes perfect sense. Thanks for the insight Tim.